Donate to Your Favorite Charity
Welcome to the CarDana Donor information page, we're so glad you took the time to stop by.
At CarDana, our purpose is clear: To bring trust and a transparent donation experience while gleaning the highest possible value to our partner charities from each and every vehicle donation. We not only believe in, but are committed to an informed donor; a donor who trusts their experience and trusts that the charity they choose to support will be the primary beneficiary of their donation proceeds.
The leadership team at CarDana has a combined 80 years in philanthropy. We understand and are committed to building that trust.
If you would like to support a charity with a car donation, we are happy to help. The process is easy and quick.
Are you ready to get started, great! We are too!
Donate a Car Now
Some of the
Charities CarDana Supports

Want more information? Sure, just reach out using the form below.